
Hydrogen Water & Ionized Water

There are hundreds and thousands of articles and testimonials, which show the healing benefits of ionized water and hydrogen water. The main ingredient in hydrogen water is free-hydrogen (molecular hydrogen). Free-hydrogen is a unique molecule of two hydrogen atoms, bonded together, but not to any other elements. When in a free state, hydrogen is healing to the body, as it attacks free-radicals & neutralizes them. In this way, the body can be healed naturally with free-hydrogen antioxidants. You can only get free-hydrogen in hydrogen-water, ionized water or hydrogen gas. Regular water contains no free-hydrogen antioxidants. Out of containment, free-hydrogen will evaporate fairly quickly, so it's best to drink it fresh and if you store it, store it properly.

Hydrogen water is known to both protect and heal the kidneys, heart, liver, stomach, intestines, skin, brain, lungs, eyes and pretty much every part of the body. [See the over 100 peer-reviewed articles, categorized by organ, below.]

The best way to consume free-hydrogen is in water.

It has been demonstrated that drinking hydrogen-water is more beneficial to the body than inhaling hydrogen-gas, probably because as a gas it evaporates more quickly. The benefits of hydrogen water or ionized water (either one) will go on giving (fighting free-radicals) for days. Whereas these benefits are seen to last only hours with hydrogen gas inhaling. (However the studies about this show that both methods are effective and therapeutic.)

The most widely used and possibly the most therapeutic form of free-hydrogen is in ionized water. Ionized water is a form of hydrogen water that is produced by a water ionizer, which splits the water in two streams, alkaline and acidic. The alkaline water is packed with free hydrogen and so is therapeutic for that reason as well as the fact of being an alkaline pH. Hydrogen water, which is not split like this, is gaining in popularity, especially since the advent of a new SPE/PEM membrane (developed by DuPont), which safely produces hydrogen in water for a fairly reasonable price.

What is the Difference Between Hydrogen Water and Regular Water?

Regular water should not be confused with hydrogen water. It has hydrogen in it of course, H2O, but the hydrogen in regular water is not free and cannot fight free-radicals.

The links to hydrogen studies on this page show a wide variety of positive effects that hydrogen water, ionized water and free-hydrogen by itself (as a gas) have on the body. As you can see by all the studies on this page, hydrogen water has been thoroughly studied for its effects on diseases.

The terrific therapeutic benefits of water ionizers (ionized water), hydrogen water machines (hydrogen water) and hydrogen gas machines (hydrogen gas) have been demonstrated in hydrogen research studies, like these, thousands of times. These studies are a fraction of what has been done to prove the healing benefits of hydrogen water. More hydrogen water and ionized water research is being conducted every day. See for yourself the enormous and growing proof that alkaline ionized water and hydrogen water can significantly help the body by reading some of the articles linked.

I have personally experienced the benefits of hydrogen water thousands of times over.


Molecular Hydrogen is known by many prominent researchers world-wide for its ability to truly penetrate through cell membranes (even the blood-brain barrier) and scavenge free radicals. This is why every time I drink ionized water or hydrogen water I almost instantly feel increased brain clarity. There is truly nothing else like this.

One reason Hydrogen is not like any other antioxidant is due to its tiny size. Hydrogen is also lipid soluble, which is important, because lipid solubility is necessary for entering into cells through the cell membranes. So, Hydrogen (unlike any other antioxidant) can get into every living part of the body. All other antioxidants are incapable of this feat. Another thing that makes it different from all other free-radical scavengers is that it simply evaporates or turns into water when it's "used up", so it creates no danger of becoming a free-radical itself as other antioxidants do.


School children know that the combination of H2 and Oxygen makes water, which is at the source of all life. Oxygen also brings life, but unfortunately complications arise when there is too much oxidation within the body and there is not enough balance of hydrogen. This condition is called Oxidative Stress, and is thought to be at the root of almost all disease. Oxygen can actually become a dangerous free radical within the body when it has lost its electron balance. When it's in this state it's called Active Oxygen. While Active Oxygen is capable of causing a terrific amount of damage to cells, tiny little molecular hydrogen can calm it down completely; neutralize it; turn it into harmless water and make it useful for the body. This is done with no harmful waste or byproducts produced. At the same time molecular hydrogen doesn't attack good radicals in the body. It will never act as a poison to the body, and any excess of it will simply evaporate harmlessly and combine with oxygen in the air to hydrate or moisturize it.

Other types of antioxidants have been found to become free-radicals, themselves, once they have donated their electron to neutralize another molecule. This doesn't happen with molecular hydrogen. As a matter of fact molecular hydrogen is able to refresh the antioxidant abilities of various other antioxidants to keep them from becoming free-radicals. After much testing and scrutinizing by research scientists worldwide, no negative effects whatsoever have been found to be caused by molecular hydrogen.

How Do You Get Hydrogen Water?

Out of the two ways to get hydrogen water: ionized water (water ionizer) and hydrogen water (hydrogen water machine), my personal preference is the water ionizer, because a water ionizer also produces a high ph water. My body needs more alkalinity to help keep it detoxified. But, because I sometimes need neutral pH water for balance, I will drink about half of my daily water from a hydrogen water machine.

Ionized Water and Hydrogen Water Have Been Shown to Fight or Prevent over 170 Diseases.

Here is a partial list of diseases hydrogen antioxidants (molecular hydrogen) have been shown to help. Read further down this page to see more detail.

  • Alexander disease
  • Allergies
  • Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
  • Angina
  • Asthma
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Athlete's foot
  • Atopic dermetitis
  • Autoimune disorders
  • Bed sores
  • Bone Loss
  • Cancer (various types)
  • Cardio renal symptoms
  • Cataracts
  • Cerebral hemorrhage
  • Chemo's negative side effects
  • Chrones disease
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Cirrhosis
  • Collagen disease
  • Colon diseases
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Dehydration
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Diabetic necrosis
  • Frontotemporal lobar degeneration
  • Glaucoma
  • Gout
  • Heart attacks
  • Heart disease or coronary artery disease,
  • HGC disorders
  • High blood pressure
  • Huntington's disease
  • Hypersensitive disorders
  • Hypertension
  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Ischemic brain injuries
  • Kawasaki's disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Lupus
  • Malaise
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Muscle fatigue of athletes

Over 100 Articles Showing the Benefits of Ionized Water & Hydrogen Water Demonstrated in Research Studies & Clinical Trials

The next sections contain over 100 links to scientific articles showing that ionized water and hydrogen water has benefits to virtually every body-part and disease.

Note About Terminology: The research articles usually refer to ionized water as electrically reduced water, electrochemically reduced water, electrolyzed reduced water, reduced water or ERW. Hydrogen, in hydrogen gas and hydrogen water, is often called free-hydrogen, molecular hydrogen, hydrogen gas, h2, diatomic hydrogen, hydrogen rich water, or just hydrogen. Ionized water is not the same as hydrogen water, but can be called hydrogen water because it has a lot of molecular hydrogen in it. Ionized water is produced in a water ionizer. Hydrogen water is produced in either a water ionizer, hydrogen water machine or hydrogen gas generator.


The studies listed in this section show that free hydrogen has helped to drop blood pressure, dissolve cholesterol, reduce hypertension, reduce left ventricular hypertrophy, improve cardiac function and reduced mortality rate after a cardiac arrest, and remedied other serious heart dysfunctions.



Back around the turn of the century, Prof. Kuninaka Hironage, a leading heart surgeon (and head of Kuninaka Hospital in Japan) used ionized water with all heart patients in his hospital. He found ionized water to be instrumental in helping his thousands of patients overcome their blood pressure issues and control the health of their heart and blood vessels, naturally, without medications. Here are some of his quotes:


Dr. Shigeo Ohta (of Japan) specifically devoted many years of research on the free radical benefits of ionized water and hydrogen water. Free-hydrogen (molecular hydrogen) was shown to effectively neutralize free-radicals, without any of the negative side-effects often seen with other antioxidants. This is important. Fighting free-radicals while battling (or preventing) cancer, heart disease or 170 other diseases is a huge benefit that alkaline ionized water and hydrogen water both offer. In this video Dr. Ohta, is being interviewed by the CEO of the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation. They talk about the latest research into Molecular Hydrogen and the benefits of hydrogen water and hydrogen gas.

Here is another video where Tyler LeBaron of the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation explains this research in more detail, using charts and peer reviewed reports to clarify his statements.

Not only does free-hydrogen (molecular hydrogen) help to fight heart disease, but the videos show that hundreds of other diseases are also helped with hydrogen.

Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on the Heart

Spanning over 20 years worth of treating patients with ionized water Blood Pressure

Use of Ionized water in hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria Prof. Kuninaka Hironage, Head of Kuninaka Hospital

"The consumption of alkaline antioxidant water for a period of 2 to 3 months, I have observed the blood pressure slowly drop, due to the water's solvent ability, which dissolves the cholesterol in the blood vessels ."

2017 Myocardial Infarction

The Effects of Hydrogen Gas Inhalation on Adverse Left Ventricular Remodeling After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for ST-Elevated Myocardial Infarctionl

- First Pilot Study in Humans. [Human study shows inhaling hydrogen is safe and improves the markers of hypertension.]

2019 Hypertension

Hydrogen gas improves left ventricular hypertrophy in Dahl rat of salt-sensitive hypertension.

[Animal study shows hydrogen reduces hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy.]

2018 Chronic Heart Failure

Inhalation of Hydrogen Attenuates Progression of Chronic Heart Failure via Suppression of Oxidative Stress and P53 Related to Apoptosis Pathway in Rats.

[Animal study shows hydrogen reduces the symptoms of chronic heart failure.]

2016 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Hydrogen Inhalation is Superior to Mild Hypothermia in Improving Cardiac Function and Neurological Outcome in an Asphyxial Cardiac Arrest Model of Rats.

[Animal study shows hydrogen improves cardiac function after cardiac arrest.]

2015 Cardiac Dysfunction

Treatment with hydrogen molecule attenuates cardiac dysfunction in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice.

[Animal study shows hydrogen improves heart function and reduces heart dysfunction caused by high glucose levels caused by diabetes.]

2015 Atherosclerosis

Molecular hydrogen stabilizes atherosclerotic plaque in low-density lipoprotein receptor-knockout mice.

[Animal study shows hydrogen has an inhibitory effect and improves the stability of atherosclerotic plaque]

2012 Cardiac Arrest

H(2) gas improves functional outcome after cardiac arrest to an extent comparable to therapeutic hypothermia in a rat model.

[Animal study shows hydrogen reduces the mortality rate and increases the rate of resuscitation rate after cardiac arrest.]

2014 Cardiac Arrest

Hydrogen Inhalation During Normoxic Resuscitation Improves Neurological Outcome in a Rat Model of Cardiac Arrest Independently of Targeted Temperature Management

[Animal study shows hydrogen improves the outcome and resuscitation rate after cardiac arrest.]

2018 Vascular Aging of Aorta

Administration of hydrogen-rich water prevents vascular aging of the aorta in LDL receptor-deficient mice

[Animal study shows hydrogen decreased the markers of vascular aging and cholesterol levels]


The articles in this section show that hydrogen water inhibits cancer progression and improves the prognosis of cancer patients.


Alkaline ionized water has been proven to help alkalize the body, which is essential in cancer prevention. It helps us to maintain the proper pH balance within cells and organs and so is protective of our cells and a preventative measure against cancer.

Hydrogen water research has also shown many cancer prevention and healing benefits for patients being treated with cancer as well.

This short, 2-minute video, summarizes what researchers have worked years to learn about keeping a healthy, disease-free colon, as well as other organs and cells. Colorectal cancer is one of the most dangerous, common and horrible-to-live-with cancers. Don't wait to be diagnosed with colorectal cancer. It's very common in the US to get this disease, and it can be prevented.


These experiments with mice show the positive effects found by water ionizer research in Japan and Korea. The video shows impressive results using ionized water with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and obesity in mice and rats.

Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on Cancer

2019 Colorectal cancer

Hydrogen gas restores exhausted CD8+ T cells in patients with advanced colorectal cancer

[Human study shows hydrogen reverses imbalances caused by chemotherapy and improved prognosis of stage IV cancer patients.]

2017 Colorectal Cancer [LIVER]

Protective effect of hydrogen-rich water on liver function of colorectal cancer patients treated with mFOLFOX6 chemotherapy.

[A controlled, randomized, single-blind human clinical study shows that hydrogen water alleviates liver injury due to chemotherapy.]

2018 Lung Cancer

Hydrogen gas inhibits lung cancer progression through targeting SMC3.

[Animal study shows hydrogen inhibits lung cancer progression.]

2017 Colon Cancer Inhibition

Hydrogen-water enhances 5-fluorouracil-induced inhibition of colon cancer.

[Animal study shows hydrogen improves the survival rate of mice with colon cancer and has anticancer functions, particularly in combination with 5-fluorouracil.]

2013 Mitochondria's huge Influence on Cancer

Mitochondria and Cancer, Past, Present and Future

[A summary of the research on mitochondria's influence on cancer.

2009 Alleviates Cancer Drug Side-Effects

Molecular hydrogen alleviates nephrotoxicity induced by an anti-cancer drug cisplatin without compromising anti-tumor activity in mice

[Animal study shows hydrogen helps protect against cisplatin-induced toxicity showing it has potential for improving the quality of life of patients undergoing chemotherapy.]


These studies show that hydrogen water reduces inflammation, assists immune responsiveness and has a protective effect on the lungs.


Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease

2017 anti-inflammatory [RHINITIS]

Effect of hydrogen-rich saline on the CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) Treg cells of allergic rhinitis guinea pigs model

[Animal study shows hydrogen reduces allergic inflammation.]

2017 anti-inflammatory [Lung Injury from O2 THERAPY]

Hydrogen alleviates hyperoxic acute lung injury related endoplasmic reticulum stress in rats through upregulation of SIRT1

[A controlled, randomized, single-blind human clinical study shows that hydrogen water alleviates liver injury due to chemotherapy.]

2015 anti-inflammatory [EXERCISE]

Hydrogen-rich water inhibits mitochondrial oxidative stress and inflammation in the skeletal muscle after eccentric exercise

[Animal study shows [Animal study shows hydrogen reduces inflammation after exercise.]

2009 Immune System

The immunological effects of electrolyzed reduced water on the Echinostoma hortense infection in C57BL/6 mice.

[Animal study shows hydrogen water assists immune responsiveness.]


These studies show that hydrogen water protects against oxidative damage, protects the brain, nerves & arteries, improves recovery rate after a stroke, and protects against a stroke.


Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on Stroke Victims

2017 Cerebral infarction (acute)

Hydrogen Gas Inhalation Treatment in Acute Cerebral Infarction: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study on Safety and Neuroprotection

[A randomized controlled human clinical study of patients with acute cerebral infarctions showed no harmful effects and better recovery rates.]

2017 Neuroblastoma

Molecular hydrogen protects against oxidative stress-induced SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell death through the process of mitohormesis.

[A human cultured neuroblastoma, pre-treated with hydrogen, was protected against H2O2 induced cell death.]

2019 Glioblastoma

Molecular hydrogen suppresses glioblastoma growth via inducing the glioma stem-like cell differentiation.

[Animal study shows reduction in common brain tumors by inhaling hydrogen.]

2018 Traumatic Brain Injury

Hydrogen-rich water attenuates oxidative stress in rats with traumatic brain injury via Nrf2 pathway.

[Animal study shows hydrogen-rich water has a neuroprotective effect on the brain.]

2018 Mitochondria

Inhalation of Hydrogen of Different Concentrations Ameliorates Spinal Cord Injury in Mice by Protecting Spinal Cord Neurons from Apoptosis, Oxidative Injury and Mitochondrial Structure Damages.

[Animal study shows the neuroprotective effect of hydrogen on the neurons in the spinal chord. Hydrogen was also seen to help the neurons and their mitochondria to heal after damage.]

2018 After stroke

Hydrogen exerts neuroprotective effects on OGD/R damaged neurons in rat hippocampal by protecting mitochondrial function via regulating mitophagy mediated by PINK1/Parkin signaling pathway.

[Animal study showing the neuroprotective effect of hydrogen.]

2018 Stroke

Hydrogen inhalation improves mouse neurological outcomes after cerebral ischemia/reperfusion independent of anti-necroptosis.

[Animal study showing that hydrogen helps improve recovery after stroke.]

2018 Severe Brain Injury

Neuroprotective effects of hydrogen inhalation in an experimental rat intracerebral hemorrhage model.

[Animal study showing that hydrogen has a neuroprotective effect on the brain and helps prevent or reduce the effects of brain injury.]

2016 Brain injury

Effect of hydrogen-rich water on the angiogenesis in lesion boundary brain tissue of traumatic brain

[Animal study shows hydrogen-rich water promotes angiogenesis and improves nerve function.]

2015 Neuroprotective

Hydrogen has a neuroprotective effect via activation of Nrf-2/HO-1 pathway in ischemia reperfusion rat

[Animal study shows that hydrogen has a neuroprotective effect against stroke.]

2016 Brain damage

Hydrogen-rich water attenuates brain damage and inflammation after traumatic brain injury in rats.

[Animal study shows hydrogen reduces the effects of brain damage and prevents inflammation.]

2016 Brain infarction

Inhalation of water electrolysis-derived hydrogen ameliorates cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats - A possible new hydrogen resource for clinical use.

[Animal study shows hydrogen has a neuroprotective effect against cerebral damage.]

2015 Stroke

Hydrogen improves neurological function through attenuation of blood–brain barrier disruption in spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats

[Animal study shows hydrogen water can improve neurological function after a stroke.]

2015 Protects Against Stroke

Hydrogen-rich water protects against ischemic brain injury in rats by regulating calcium buffering proteins.

[Animal study shows hydrogen water helps to reduce brain infarct volume and improve neurological function following an induced brain injury.]


These studies show that hydrogen-water inhibits neuron loss, alleviates memory impairments, reduces size of brain tumors, and reduces the severity of multiple sclerosis.


Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on Alzheimer's & Parkinson's

2013 Parkinson's

Pilot study of H2 therapy in Parkinson's disease: A randomized double‐blind placebo‐controlled trial

[A human controlled trial shows that drinking Hydrogen water was safe, and well tolerated. The patients who drank it showed significant improvement, while the control group who didn’t drink the hydrogen water worsened.]

2019 Vascular Dementia

FoxO1-mediated autophagy plays an important role in the neuroprotective effects of hydrogen in a rat model of vascular dementia.

[Animal study shows drinking hydrogen water inhibits neuron loss and alleviates memory impairments due to vascular dementia.]

2019 Glioblastoma

Molecular hydrogen suppresses glioblastoma growth via inducing the glioma stem-like cell differentiation.n.

[Animal study shows reduction in common brain tumors by inhaling hydrogen.]

2018 Mitochondria

Inhalation of Hydrogen of Different Concentrations Ameliorates Spinal Cord Injury in Mice by Protecting Spinal Cord Neurons from Apoptosis, Oxidative Injury and Mitochondrial Structure Damages

[Animal study shows the neuroprotective effect of hydrogen on the neurons in the spinal chord. Hydrogen was also seen to help the neurons and their mitochondria to heal after damage.]

2018 Mild Cognitive Impairment

Effects of Molecular Hydrogen Assessed by an Animal Model and a Randomized Clinical Study on Mild Cognitive Impairment.

[Animal study showing that hydrogen water helps to suppress dementia and other oxidative stress.]

2018 Cognitive Impairment

Hydrogen-rich water improves cognitive impairment gender-dependently in APP/PS1 mice without affecting Aβ clearance.

[Animal study showing that hydrogen significantly helps cognitive behavior and reduced oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain. This study noted that there was an even more profound effect in the female brains than male.]

2015 Multiple Sclerosis

Hydrogen-rich water improves neurological functional recovery in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mice.

[Animal study shows hydrogen water helps to both delay the onset of and reduce the severity of induced multiple sclerosis.]

2015 Altzheimer's

Hydrogen-rich water attenuates amyloid β-induced cytotoxicity through upregulation of Sirt1-FoxO3a by stimulation of AMP-activated protein kinase in SK-N-MC cells.

[Animal study shows hydrogen water reduces reactive oxygen induced cell death and stimulates healing.]

2014 Age related Neurological Diseases

Electrochemically Reduced Water Protects Neural Cells from Oxidative Damage

[Animal study shows hydrogen water protects cells from oxidative stresses.]


These studies show that hydrogen-water helps improve blood glucose control,


The following video presentation is by Mr. Darnell of the "Diabetes Support Services" organization. In this video you can get a history of water ionizer research and how using ionized water has helped his group members. The history of water ionizers all started by people noticing there were pockets of "healing waters" around the world, and then scientists tested those waters and developed equipment (water ionizers) to simulate the healing waters. Mr. Darnell learned about these waters and this equipment, water ionizers, in a roundabout way, and then after fully studying the subject and equipment, he made recommendations to his group to use ionized water with the group's diabetic members. He reports that ionized water has been very effective in helping the hundreds of diabetic patients in his organization live better lives, free of many of the complications associated with diabetes. This next section (after the video) is all about the interesting history of these machines.


The Japanese use of water ionizers in their research is an interesting story. Statistically, the Japanese have the longest life spans and lowest infant mortality rate in the world, but this was far from the case historically, especially the first ten years after WW-II. How did they rise from such levels of devastation, malnutrition, poverty, sickness and terrible health-care to hold this esteemed position of health-leaders of the world? Find out how a young scientist and diabetes researcher delved into the history of Japanese healthcare system, as he sheds light on the "mysterious healing waters" around the world and explains how the study and duplication of these healing waters helped Japan to recover from being the world's worst nation to the world's best (for health) in only 2 decades. His particular interest is in how these healing waters have helped his diabetic patients, but he also explains how the same principles apply to any disease, or to just keeping the body healthy and disease-free. After watching the video, learn more by reading this article: Ionized Water, Molecular Hydrogen & the History of Japanese Healthcare.



Because of Diabetic Necrosis this hospital patient was almost about to have his leg cut off. He was cured of this condition using ionized water.

This report shows benefits of both alkaline and acidic ionized water.

Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on Diabetes


Supplementation of hydrogen-rich water improves lipid and glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance.

[A randomized double-blind human study shows hydrogen helped decrease oxidative stress and insulin resistance and improved glucose metabolism.]

2013 Diabetes [GLUCOSE UPTAKE]

Hydrogen Improves Glycemic Control in Type1 Diabetic Animal Model by Promoting Glucose Uptake into Skeletal Muscle

[Animal study shows hydrogen improves glucose control.]

2011 Diabetes [Pt NANOPARTICLES]

Anti-diabetes effect of water containing hydrogen molecule and Pt nanoparticles

[Animal study shows both hydrogen water and the nano platinum in ionized water improve glucose signaling pathways.]


Anti-diabetic effects of electrolyzed reduced water in streptozotocin-induced and genetic diabetic mice.

[Animal study shows hydrogen improves blood glucose control.]


Preservative effect of electrolyzed reduced water on pancreatic beta-cell mass in diabetic db/db mice.

[Animal study shows hydrogen improves blood glucose tolerance, increases blood insulin and reduces blood glucose.]


Protective mechanism of reduced water against alloxan-induced pancreatic beta-cell damage: Scavenging effect against reactive oxygen species.

[Animal study shows hydrogen enhances glucose-sensitivity, glucose response of beta-cells and protects pancreatic beta-cells from alloxan-induced cell damage.]


Hydrogen has been shown to benefit the dialysis patient's overall health & prognosis. It also protects the kidneys against damage.


Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on the Kidneys

2018 Dialysis

Novel hemodialysis (HD) treatment employing molecular hydrogen (H2)-enriched dialysis solution improves prognosis of chronic dialysis patients: A prospective observational study

[This is a human study spanning 3 years and shows that adding hydrogen to the dialysis solution benefits dialysis patients’ prognosis.]

2003 Kidney Disease

Reduced hemodialysis-induced oxidative stress in end-stage renal disease patients by electrolyzed reduced water.

[This is a human study which shows that ionized water is effective in reducing oxidative stress and improving overall health of patients with kidney disease. This is important, because hemodialysis increases oxidative stress and to be able to combat that would naturally improve the patient prognosis.]

2018 Toxicity

Nephroprotective effect of electrolyzed reduced water against cisplatin-induced kidney toxicity and oxidative damage in mice

[Animal study shows ionized water helps to protect the kidneys against damage when “Cisplatin” (a chemotherapy drug) is given]

2017 Renal Injury & Fibrosis

Hydrogen Rich Water Attenuates Renal Injury and Fibrosis by Regulation Transforming Growth Factor

[Animal study shows hydrogen water helps to inhibit the development of fibrosis in kidneys.]

2010 Renal Injury

Intake of water with high levels of dissolved hydrogen (H2) suppresses ischemia-induced cardio-renal injury in Dahl salt-sensitive rats

[Animal study shows hydrogen water helped healing after a kidney injury.]

2014 Renal injury

Consumption of hydrogen-rich water alleviates renal injury in spontaneous hypertensive rats.

[Animal study shows hydrogen water helps to alleviate renal injury .]


Hydrogen reduces stress markers and is protective of the liver. It has been shown to prolong life.


Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on the Liver

2017 Chemo: Protects Liver

Protective effect of hydrogen-rich water on liver function of colorectal cancer patients treated with mFOLFOX6 chemotherapy.

[This is a human study which shows that H2 helps to maintain microcirculation and the health of the mitochondria in patients being treated with chemotherapy.]

2011 Radiotherapy for liver tumors

Effects of drinking hydrogen-rich water on the quality of life of patients treated with radiotherapy for liver tumors.

[This is a human study which shows that drinking hydrogen-rich water reduces the stress markers connected with radiation therapy.]

2013 Chronic Hepatitis B

Effect of Hydrogen‐Rich Water on Oxidative Stress, Liver Function, and Viral Load in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B

[This is a human study showing that hydrogen rich water helps to alleviate oxidative stress in patients with chronic Hepatitis B.]

2018 Liver Injury

Post-reperfusion hydrogen gas treatment ameliorates ischemia reperfusion injury in rat livers from donors after cardiac death: a preliminary study

[Animal study shows H2 to be effective in maintaining microcirculation and mitochondrial function in liver cells and suppressing cellular death in the liver after cardiac death.]

2018 Renal Injury

Effects of molecular hydrogen-dissolved alkaline electrolyzed water on intestinal environment in mice

[Animal study shows alkaline ionized water assists the intestinal environment and has beneficial roles for health in terms of cholesterol metabolism and liver protection.]

2017 Liver Injury

Inhalation of high concentrations of hydrogen ameliorates liver ischemia/reperfusion injury through A2A receptor mediated PI3K-Akt pathway

[Animal study shows that a high concentration of hydrogen improves liver function and may protect the liver against I/R injury, which is the injury when blood supply returns to tissue after a period of absence.]

2017 Protect Against SepsisLiver Injury

Pre-administration of Hydrogen-Rich Water Protects Against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Sepsis and Attenuates Liver Injury

[Animal study shows drinking hydrogen water prolongs life and reduces cell death and oxidative stress in mice with sepsis (a life-threatening response to infection).]

2009 Liver

Hepatoprotective effect of electrolyzed reduced water against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in mice.

[Animal study shows ionized water protects against liver damage.]


Hydrogen protects against the build-up of cholesterol in the blood vessles.


Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on Cholesterol

2013 Cholesterol level Balancing

Hydrogen-rich water decreases serum LDL-cholesterol levels and improves HDL function in patients with potential metabolic syndrome.

[This is a human study which shows drinking ionized water helps cholesterol levels.]

2018 Liver & Cholesterol

Effects of molecular hydrogen-dissolved alkaline electrolyzed water on intestinal environment in mice

[Animal study shows drinking ionized water helps intestinal fermentation.]


Hydrogen rich water is healthy for gut flora. Helps improves symptoms of diarrhea and irritable bowels. It has also been shown to protect the intestines against the ill-effects of chemo-therapy or radiation.


Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on the Intestines & Stomach

2019 Gut Flora

Effects of the long-term consumption of hydrogen-rich water on the antioxidant activity and the gut flora in female juvenile soccer players from Suzhou, China

[This is a human study which shows hydrogen-rich water was healthy for gut flora]

2019 Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Daily ingestion of alkaline electrolyzed water containing hydrogen influences human health, including gastrointestinal symptoms

[This is a human study which shows alkaline ionized water is effective in relieving abdominal complaints. Subjects drinking ionized water also had better rest at night and woke in the morning with more energy.]

2018 Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea

Effects of Alkaline-Reduced Drinking Water on Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea: A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study

[This is a human study which shows alkaline ionized water was helpful in improving the symptoms of diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.]

2005 Intestinal Health

Selective stimulation of the growth of anaerobic microflora in the human intestinal tract by electrolyzed reducing water.

[This is a human study which shows that alkaline ionized water assists to properly balance the gut microflora.]

2018 Protects-Good Bacteria

Intestinal Microbiota Ecological Response to Oral Administrations of Hydrogen-Rich Water and Lactulose in Female Piglets Fed a Fusarium Toxin-Contaminated Diet

[Animal study shows that hydrogen-water has shown a protective effect on the balance of intestinal microbiota.]

2018 Intestinal Environment

Effects of molecular hydrogen-dissolved alkaline electrolyzed water on intestinal environment in mice

[Animal study shows alkaline ionized water has benefit to intestinal microbes]

2018 GI Toxicity

Hydrogen-water ameliorates radiation-induced gastrointestinal toxicity via MyD88’s effects on the gut microbiota

[Animal study shows that drinking hydrogen-rich water improved the prognosis of mice undergoing radiation and was protective of the intestines.]

2017 Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Hydrogen-rich water protects against inflammatory bowel disease in mice by inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress and promoting heme oxygenase-1 expression

[Animal study shows shows hydrogen-rich water protects against inflammatory bowel disease.]

1996 Intestinal Health

Physiological effects of alkaline ionized water: Effects on metabolites produced by intestinal fermentation

[Animal study shows alkaline ionized water was healthy for the intestines.]


Hydrogen has helped alleviate psoriasis, skin ulcers, and atopic dermatitis.


Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on the Skin

2018 Psoriasis

Positive effects of hydrogen-water bathing in patients of psoriasis and parapsoriasis en plaques

[This is a human study which shows hydrogen water bathing is beneficial to psoriasis.]

2013 Skin Ulcers

Hydrogen water intake via tube-feeding for patients with pressure ulcer and its reconstructive effects on normal human skin cells in vitro

[This is a human study which shows intake of hydrogen water helps the reconstruction of normal skin cells.]

2012 Skin Diseases

Hydrogen(H2) treatment for acute erythymatous skin diseases. A report of 4 patients with safety data and a non-controlled feasibility study with H2 concentration measurement on two volunteers.

[This is a human study which shows hydrogen helped with the prognosis of inflammation of the skin.]

2012 Wrinkles

Hydrogen-rich electrolyzed warm water represses wrinkle formation against UVA ray together with type-I collagen production and oxidative-stress diminishment in fibroblasts and cell-injury prevention in keratinocytes.

[This is a human study which shows hydrogen water bathing helps to repress UVA-induced wrinkles.

2013 Dermatitis

The Drinking Effect of Hydrogen Water on Atopic Dermatitis Induced by Dermatophagoides farinae Allergen in NC/Nga Mice.

[Animal study shows hydrogen water has a positive effect on atopic dermatitis.]


Hydrogen has been shown to reduce inflammation and edema and assists with immune-responsiveness.


Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on Inflammation

2014 Sports-Related Soft Tissue Injuries

Effectiveness of oral and topical hydrogen for sports-related soft tissue injuries.

[Human study of professional athletes shows faster recovery times when injured for those who were given hydrogen supplements daily during the season.]

2017 anti-inflammatory [RHINITIS]

Effect of hydrogen-rich saline on the CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) Treg cells of allergic rhinitis guinea pigs model

[Animal study shows hydrogen reduces allergic inflammation.]

2017 anti-inflammatory [PANCREATITIS]

Hydrogen Treatment Protects Mice Against Chronic Pancreatitis by Restoring Regulatory T Cells Loss.

[Animal study shows hydrogen helped to prevent and reduce pancreatitis.]

2017 anti-inflammatory [Lung Injury from O2 THERAPY]

Hydrogen alleviates hyperoxic acute lung injury related endoplasmic reticulum stress in rats through upregulation of SIRT1

[Animal study shows that hydrogen has a protective effect against oxygen induced lung injury and reduces edema.]

2016 anti-inflammatory [PANCREATITIS]

Protective Effects of Hydrogen Gas on Experimental Acute Pancreatitis

[Animal study shows hydrogen has a protective effect against oxidative damage and reduces inflammation.]

2016 anti-inflammatory [ARTHRITIS]

Molecular hydrogen decelerates rheumatoid arthritis progression through inhibition of oxidative stress

[Animal study shows hydrogen slows down the progression of rheumatoid arthritis.]

2015 anti-inflammatory [EXERCISE]

Hydrogen-rich water inhibits mitochondrial oxidative stress and inflammation in the skeletal muscle after eccentric exercise

[Animal study shows [Animal study shows hydrogen reduces inflammation after exercise.]

2001 anti-inflammatory [LIVER]

Anti-inflammatory properties of molecular hydrogen: investigation on parasite-induced liver inflammation.

[Animal study shows hydrogen has an anti-inflammatory effect.]

2009 aImmune System

The immunological effects of electrolyzed reduced water on the Echinostoma hortense infection in C57BL/6 mice.

[Animal study shows hydrogen water assists immune responsiveness.]


Hydrogen has been shown to reduce inflammation and edema and assists with immune-responsiveness.


Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on Free-Radicals

2012 Platelets

Hydrogen may inhibit collagen-induced platelet aggregation: an ex vivo and in vivo study

[This is a human and animal study which shows hydrogen may inhibit collagen-induced platelet aggregation.]

2016 Antioxidant

Effects of Hydrogenized Water on Intracellular Biomarkers for Antioxidants, Glucose Uptake, Insulin Signaling and SIRT 1 and elomerase Activity

[in vitro study shows that commercial hydrogen water is effective in antioxidant properties.]

2017 Bone-Health

Protective effects of molecular hydrogen on steroid-induced osteonecrosis in rabbits via reducing oxidative stress and apoptosis.

[Animal study shows hydrogen prevents steroid-induced osteonecrosis.]

2011 Eyes - Cornea

Hydrogen and N-acetyl-L-cysteine rescue oxidative stress-induced angiogenesis in a mouse corneal alkali-burn model.

[Animal study shows hydrogen helps prevent blindness caused by alkali burn.]

2017 Obesity

Preventive Effects of Drinking Hydrogen-Rich Water on Gingival Oxidative Stress and Alveolar Bone Resorption in Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet.

[Animal study shows hydrogen-rich water suppressed body weight gain and reduced oxidative stress.]

2011 Obesity & Diabetes

Molecular hydrogen improves obesity and diabetes by inducing hepatic FGF21 and stimulating energy metabolism in db/db mice.

[Animal study shows hydrogen stimulated energy metabolism, improving obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.]


Hydrogen improves cell function, cell longevity, and protects DNA.


Research Articles Related to the Positive Effects of Hydrogen Water and Ionized Water on Aging

2018 Reduction of Senescence-Associated Cells

Hydrogen alleviates cellular senescence via regulation of ROS/p53/p21 pathway in bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in vivo

[Animal study shows hydrogen is a protective anti-aging treatment.]

2017 Anti-Aging & Cell Death

Hydrogen Treatment Protects against Cell Death and Senescence Induced by Oxidative Damage

[Animal study shows hydrogen protects against aging and cell death.]

2016 Longevity

Alkaline Water and Longevity

[3-year survival study shows alkaline ionized water improves strength and longevity of mice.]

2010 Anti-Aging; Bones

Hydrogen gas treatment prolongs replicative lifespan of bone marrow multipotential stromal cells in vitro while preserving differentiation and paracrine potentials.

[In vitro study shows hydrogen prolongs the lifespan of cells.]

2013 Increased Lifespan

Electrolyzed-reduced water increases resistance to oxidative stress, fertility, and lifespan via insulin/IGF-1-like signal in C. elegans.

[Animal study shows hydrogen helps to resist oxidative stress and aging.]

1997 Protects DNA

Electrolyzed-reduced water scavenges active oxygen species and protects DNA from oxidative damage.

[Animal study shows hydrogen helps to protect DNA and scavenges harmful radicals.]


2019 Retinal Vein Occlusion

Protective effects of hydrogen gas in a rat model of branch retinal vein occlusion via decreasing VEGF-α expression.

[Animal study shows hydrogen helps alleviate retinal edema and improve its function.]

2011 Cornea

Hydrogen and N-acetyl-L-cysteine rescue oxidative stress-induced angiogenesis in a mouse corneal alkali-burn model.

[Animal study shows hydrogen helps prevent blindness from alkali burn.]

2010 Retina

Protection of the retina by rapid diffusion of hydrogen: administration of hydrogen-loaded eye drops in retinal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Oharazawa H1, Igarashi T, Yokota T.

[Animal study shows hydrogen loaded eye drops are highly useful and neuroprotective]


Spanning over 30 years Gynecology

Use of Ionized water for gynecological conditions Prof. Watanabe Ifao, Watanabe Hospital

"Ionized alklaine antioxidant water improves body constituents and ensures effective healing to many illnesses. The uses of antioxidant water in gynecological patients have proved to be very effective. The main reason for its effectiveness is that this water can neutralize toxins.

When given antioxidant water to pre-eclamptic toxemia cases, the results are most significant. During my long years of servicing the pre-eclamptic toxemia cases, I found that the women with pre-eclamptic toxemia who consumed antioxidant water tend to deliver healthier babies with stronger muscles. A survey report carried out on babies in this group showed intelligence above average."

2011 Radiotherapy PubMed

Effects of drinking hydrogen-rich water on the quality of life of patients treated with radiotherapy for liver tumors.

[A randomized placebo controlled human study shows therapeutic benefits for drinking hydrogen-rich water before, during and after radiation treatments]

2011 Weight Loss HighBeam

The effect of daily consumption of 2 liters of electrolyzed water for 2 months on body composition and several physiological parameters in four obese subjects: a preliminary report.

[This was a human trial to see if alkaline ionized water would influence the ability of four obese patients to lose weight. The average weight loss reported during the two-month trial was 12 pounds. No other variable was introduced. No toxins were in the water, yet increased toxins were in the urine test, which indicates the body was able to detox several of the tested heavy metals.]

2016 Blood Viscosity BioMed Central

Effect of electrolyzed high-pH alkaline water on blood viscosity in healthy adults

[Human study shows high pH water drunk after exercise to be more hydrating. The blood viscosity was tested, and shown to be better, in the group who drank alkaline ionized water vs. acceptable standard purified water.]

2018 Pregnancy: Protective Benefits Spread to Newborn PubMed

Administration of molecular hydrogen during pregnancy improves behavioral abnormalities of offspring in a maternal immune activation model.

[Animal study shows that giving H2 to the mother is protective for the newborn]

2017 Hemorrhagic Shock PubMed

Hydrogen gas inhalation inhibits progression to the "irreversible" stage of shock after severe hemorrhage in rats.

[Animal study shows treatment with H2 inhalation stabilizes the blood pressure until curative treatment can be performed.]

2014 Hearing Loss (noise-induced) PubMed

Inhaled hydrogen gas therapy for prevention of noise-induced hearing loss through reducing reactive oxygen species.

[Animal study shows H2 inhalation is protective against noise induced hearing loss.]

2016 Sepsis PubMed

Molecular Hydrogen Therapy Ameliorates Organ Damage Induced by Sepsis.

[Animal study shows molecular hydrogen improves chances of survival]

2016 Motor Deficits Tandfon-line

Molecular hydrogen alleviates motor deficits and muscle degeneration in mdx mice

[Animal study shows hydrogen improves prognosis for muscular dystrophy]

2016 Bladder PubMed

Preventive Effect of Hydrogen Water on the Development of Detrusor Overactivity in a Rat Model of Bladder Outlet Obstruction.

[Animal study shows H2 is protective against bladder dysfunction.]

2009 Hearing: Auditory Hair Cells PubMed

Hydrogen protects auditory hair cells from free radicals.

[In vitro study shows hydrogen to be protective against cell death of auditory hair cells.]

2014 Prevention Medicine PubMed

Molecular hydrogen as a preventive and therapeutic medical gas: initiation, development and potential of hydrogen medicine.

2009 Metabolic Acidosis PubMed

Ionized alkaline water: new strategy for management of metabolic acidosis in experimental animals

[Animal study shows alkaline ionized water can manage metabolic acidosis safely.]

2009 Hangovers PubMed

Electrolyzed-reduced water inhibits acute ethanol-induced hangovers in Sprague-Dawley rats

[Animal study shows drinking alkaline ionized water has a detox effect from ethanol]

2017 ERW Superior to other H2Water PubMed

Electrochemically reduced water exerts superior reactive oxygen species scavenging activity in HT1080 cells than the equivalent level of hydrogen-dissolved water.

[In vitro study shows that alkaline ionized water has additional antioxidative factor, likely to be platinum nanoparticles, which makes it superior to other hydrogen applications for scavenging radicals.]


In another Japanese study, an Atopic Dermatitis patient became cured using ionized water. Atopic dermatitis is an illness accompanied by intense itching. Its cause is unknown. It has been found that this almost-incurable-illness can be cured using ionized water.

This report is from Akashi Hospital in Tokyo, Japan. It shows how Dr. Shinkai has cured thousands of patients with atopic dermatitis using both alkaline and acidic ionized water.


This report shows several more serious medical problems being cured with alkaline and acidic ionized water.


Ionized water has been studied extensively with gestating women, and according to Dr. Wantanabe (the top gynecologist in Japan), both the mother and the baby benefit by drinking ionized water during pregnancy.



"Ionized alkaline antioxidant water improves body constituents and ensures effective healing to many illnesses. The uses of antioxidant water in gynecological patients have proved to be very effective. The main reason for its effectiveness is that this water can neutralize toxins. When given antioxidant water to pre-eclamptic toxemia cases, the results are most significant. During my long years of servicing the pre-eclamptic toxemia cases, I found that the women with pre-eclamptic toxemia who consumed antioxidant water tend to deliver healthier babies with stronger muscles. A survey report carried out on babies in this group showed intelligence above average."


In the early days the only researchers of ionized water were the Japanese. Their novel discoveries quickly spread to So. Korea and then China. These are the only researchers that I know of who frequently recorded their research in video-format and laymen's terms. Why did they do this? They HAD to in order to convince their Japanese populace to obtain better health care and to spread the word of "successful research" quickly to their ordinary citizens. After all the Japanese population was almost non-existent after WW-II with no hope in sight until they broke through the profit & pomposity barriers that existed before the BIG CHANGES the Japanese Government made in their medical laws (above video explains this).

Because they FOUND GREAT SUCCESS in ionized water's research and health benefits, the Japanese quickly became leaders in the research of electrolysis and the therapeutic uses of alkaline ionized water.

The ionized water used in their many experiments utilized two kinds of ionized water: electrolyzed water and filtered ionized water (magnesium in the presence of magnetized ceramics which causes the water to spontaneously ionize).


These experiments with mice show the positive effects found by water ionizer research in Japan and Korea. The video shows impressive results using ionized water with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and obesity in mice and rats. The tests, shown in this video, were done in laboratory-controlled conditions and show without a doubt that alkaline ionized water has made significant improvements in multiple health-related conditions, i.e. diabetes, cholesterol, cancer, and more.


These experiments with chickens are pretty impressive too. The tests, shown in this video, were done in controlled, scientific conditions and show without a doubt that alkaline ionized water has made significant improvements in the overall health and immune systems of chickens.


Therapeutic free-hydrogen is such a new subject, is so unique, and has such wide implications in treating and preventing disease, it deserves spending some time studying it to catch up on this important science. Consuming hydrogen water and ionized water has no side effects; is completely safe in any amount; and thousands of articles have been written so far showing its therapeutic value in both preventing and eradicating diseases. For actual scientific literature about hydrogen water, ionized water and hydrogen gas, again - see our Scientific Studies page.

Definitions, Background & Basics: For anyone who gets lost in the scientific terminology, I have some key points bulleted for you: